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Are villas pet friendly? How many pets are allowed?

A Villa is pet friendly if categorized as pet friendly on Euro Tours Villas website. Restrictions in number of pets and pet’t size can not be found on the website, but they exist. Some of the accommodation owners are flexible about the number and size of a pet, while others have some restrictions.

If you travel with your pet, the best is to follow the following steps:

  • Filter pet friendly accommodation: On Euro Tours Villas website in the search engine or in the sidebar filter use “pets allowed” option to view all the pet friendly accommodation.
  • Check property amenities: Review accommodation amenities that are important for the vacation with pets. On the Euro Tours website, you can find amenities like: fully fenced garden, pets are welcome, dog’s swimming pool.
  • Check extra costs for pets: Check extra cots in the accommodation listing page. Usually, extra cost for pets is from €5 to €20 per day per pet, payable in cash on the arrival. NOTE! Ask the owner to provide you with a written confirmation that you paid a pet fee in cash.
  • Share the number and size of a pet with Euro Tours: After you book the house or apartment, please share the number and size of a pet/s with Euro Tours, so we can double-check that matter with the accommodation owner.